
USSALESAGENT.COM is an Access2sales program that believes in the principle of alignment, sense of urgency and delivering value. We deploy sales agents and provide integrated last mile sales services. Face to face representation never had been so important for managing the entire purchase cycle and brand presence in this digital era.


We believe in developing and executing on a perfectly aligned sales strategy. Deploying field sales agents for direct sales or partner program needs to be in-sink with your marketing plan. We can help you!

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We plan and execute sales strategies and provide sales representatives who will perform B2B or Direct Sales on your behalf.

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Our field sales agent offering allows us to drive your revenue by leveraging strong business relationships through 15,000 partners. Our pre-sales team is designed to drive more customer touches per day than the traditional stand alone sales representative model. Our CSM will support coach, open doors and make your sales agents more productive.

We help you adapt to the challenges arising from key trends in the B2B market, such as product life cycle acceleration, distribution channel complexity, channel conflicts and effective targeting of the SMB market. During the course of our sales program, we will deliver the following:

  • $M in channel or direct sales
  • Milestone report in recruiting partners & clients
  • Sales activity report
  • Expense monitoring
  • Additional CRM reports

We will also establish performance metrics based on:

  • Past results
  • Revenues per head in a new market
  • Industry benchmarks or averages
  • Set goals and requirements
  • Number of contacts initiated
  • Partner recruited and trained
  • Number of quotes
  • Behavior based
  • Increase speed to market (shorten the sale cycle from previous business model)
  • Number of website visitors, length of stay, depth of navigation, number of clicks
  • Number of calls received
  • Change in customer behavior/buying patterns
  • Customers' impression of brand/product
  • Brand awareness / recognition levels
  • Conversion rate (proportion of customers who perform a specific action)
  • Cost per new client acquisition/cost per sale
  • Based on brand variables
  • Customer satisfaction level
  • Revenues per head in a new market
  • Industry benchmarks or averages
  • Set goals and requirements
  • Number of contacts initiated
  • Partner recruited and trained
  • Customer loyalty & retention

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